Two years later when I was away from school to undergo the mandatory six months of Industrial Training, I heard that the perfect guy in Ozone betrayed him by leaving him with rejection, frustration and hatred: he committed suicide all of a sudden. His action left everyone confused, because several guys would have gladly put on the personality as Ozone. But we were all wrong.
I have heard of many cases of suicide and I know so many people detest that act and see no reason for it at all. But again, some of the guys who detest it are real slaves to inferiority complex, they believe nothing good would ever come out of them, they lack self confidence, morale, assertiveness, nerve, poise, self-reliance, and most times, refuse to take the bull by the horn in getting what they desire.
So my question is, what's the difference between them and those who committed suicide?
Well, the answer is simple, they are still alive! But that reminds me of an Igbo phrase, Onye-wuruawu naaga-ije- meaning a walking dead.
Did anyone say that was harsh? well, no apologies because this is to arouse the giant inside of you to greatness.
Now, this is the reason why you suffer from inferiority complex and lack confidence in yourself; you don't love yourself.
This is well far away from pride. I read a book on how to kill stage fright and picked just one advice from the author. He said whenever I want to talk to an audience, I should have it at the back of my mind that I have something to say to save their lives. He said they are my debtors! That was all I needed, and now, I don't care about the number of people present, no matter their callibre, they are all indebted to me untill I finish speaking. But first, I must have something to say and be certain that my words indeed make a lot of sense.
Loving one self is the beginning of stardom, achievement of great heights, becoming wise, being a leader, a man/woman of influence etc. Forget everyone who is existing. Know this one fact, your life is all about you. No one else matters but you! Always imagine yourself to be the one-eyed man in the land of the blind.
This is what I do in front of the mirror most mornings when I wake: I tell myself how lucky I am to be me, how handsome I am, and how lucky this generation is to have me exist in it. Give yourself that appraisal you think the best of guys have, you deserve it. Come on, you are the writer of your script, and give no one the protagonist role but yourself.
Finally, read motivational books, listen to inspiring audio tape, watch inspiring videos, and surround yourself with friends who appreciate you and challenge you to challenge the status quo. If you don't love yourself, remember that your are a walking dead.
See you at the top.
Also, discover God's blue print for ur life anf follow it. Everyone created by God is unique and is here to fulfill a special assignment. No one has d right to take his or her life. It's a pity Ozone ended that way.
Also, discover God's blue print for ur life anf follow it. Everyone created by God is unique and is here to fulfill a special assignment. No one has d right to take his or her life. It's a pity Ozone ended that way.
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