Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Your Carriage Makes You Attractive.

Have you ever wondered why beauty pageants train to carry themselves the way they do? That is because, aside from looking beautiful, onlookers interpret more about them by observing their nonverbal communication abilities.
It's not enough that you have the looks, how you carry yourself speaks volume about you.

Imagine going to make a presentation and you keep biting off the nails on your fingers. You are simply telling them without saying a word that you're not prepared to meet them.

Confidence comes from deep within.
You portray strong confidence in your appearance through your nonverbal communication. This includes eye contact, posture and body movements.

That Designer Shoes, Bags , Shirt and Pants,Dress  or Nice Haircut will definitely make you look fabulous but how about after you take them off?
Will you still feel great about yourself?
An outfit can only boost your confidence when you master how to carry your self.

People don't just pick up your personality by your outfit alone but your Carriage as well. Most times, they're not looking at your outfit but at you.
When you wear your confidence, you walk with your head up and people perceive you that way. It shows without you uttering a word.

When you're confident,it shows in your dressing, intonation and movement. And because of that people wants to association with you. They want you to handle important events in their lives knowing fully, that you  are capable of producing good results.

I encourage you today to carry yourself with confidence at all times. Let it show in all you do.

Above all, use the "I can affirmative often and mean it. Show up and deliver. Carry yourself like you matter and people will see you same way 👍

Your Carriage makes you attractive. Let it come from internal first, before external.👍

Written by NINA.

Your Image, my uttermost concern.




Judge me not for the mainstream smoke I puff
Each is a bit of worry off my system. 
I will be fine.
Worry not for me either,
We all should cry our own cry. 

Give me Liquor 
To at least make me smile like a South African Dancer just after independence 
Even if I would be enslaved a second later, 
Let it be in my letter 
That a droplet of rain descended during famine. 

Offer me sex to wet my boiling mind
I'm not one of a kind, 
I'm just like you as blind
There is time for everything 
Even the Merry Men don't have enough time to merry
Responsibility differentiate men from boys. 

If you can't bear me steal, 
Let me into the Nigerian Government.
Devils don't come in horns these days but in suits
So it won't be said of me that I stole but loot.
An official way to make the ugly look good. 
And even the judges will declare me, Successful. 




I was at the airport the other day and saw some white men with  their bags walking towards the terminal for their announced flig...