Monday, September 4, 2017


I have a book filled with many good rhymes,
I enjoy reading it a lot of times.
The words lift my spirit and delight my heart,
When I feel down they touch my heart.
"Be at peace with God whatever you conceive Him to be."
Allows me to worship God in a manner meaningful to me.
"Live simply, expect little, give much, sing much, pray always.
Is a wonderful way to live each and every day.
"Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain."
Encourages me, if I stumble or fail, to try again.
"Keep pressing on though you feel like stopping."
Makes me keep going when I feel like dropping.
"When the funds are low, and the debts are high..."
I pray to God, and on Him rely.
"Apologize if you are wrong."
Makes any relationship very strong.
"Luck is where opportunity meets preparation."
I must keep my mind open to another's suggestion.
"No one can afford to lose a valued friend."
Settle any rift or quarrel and be a friend to the end.
"Hope; deprived of hope a person is lost."
Remain optimistic no matter the cost.
"You can't further the love of nations with hatred."
Make hate of any kind something to dread.
"The winner says it may be difficult but it is possible."
Pray to God because, through Him, all things are possible.
"It's not a successful person's aptitude but his attitude."
Remember to show respect and never be rude.
These quotes and many more give me joy and liberty,
But none so much as knowing God watches over me.


I was at the airport the other day and saw some white men with  their bags walking towards the terminal for their announced flig...