Tuesday, May 26, 2020

WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER...Learn to use your brains too.


Dear ladies, 
Often times you begin to wonder why it seems to be that no matter how u try to keep your patent faithful, it doesn't seem to b productive...

Here is the answer!!!
"You have been working harder...not smarter"
When you don't work smart in ur relationships, ur efforts may actually make things worse.

"Prayers and fasting, been the best chef or giving the best sex styles doesn't totally guarantee that he will be..( it depends on how u understand this statement).

CHANGE YOUR STRATEGY : keep your man wanting more of you..
Always reserve your "Ace of spade as ur winning card"..Always guard ur queen( if you are a chess player)...

Often times, all the above mentioned don't really matter to us...
Smart men "like me" look out for your Charisma, great dress sense, adaptability to complex issues, critical thinkers and solutions providers...

I belive this is worth to ponder on..

Have a very productive Monday

David Nnaemezie Dhoziee

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