Three human eaters are on a journey. Each of them has a son with them on the journey, making them a total number of six. They get to a river and are faced with a little challenge of how to cross it to the other side which demands logical reasoning. So they really need the help of a very good thinker.

None of them can swim, but luckily, a boat which can only carry two of them at a time is at the river bank and all of them can sail a boat. But still, they have a problem which is the major one. None of the human eaters would dare leave her son with the other eaters because they will eat him. How can they cross the river with the boat? They are running late already, so they need your help.
Mind You
The sons don’t know that their mothers are human eaters but the women know themselves.
No mother should be in the boat with a son which is not hers.

The women said they will send airtime to the person who can come up with a way of how the six of them can cross the river without having issues with one another. They have just three days to spend waiting for the answer at the river bank. If no answer, they would be left with no other option than to go back home. The winner would be announced on Wednesday after the women have tried all the suggestions.
They are six three mothers, three sons.
They should go home o. 😂😂
ABCc wait ab goes
a returns with the boat to pick c
ABC remains while abc are at the other side
a returns
Aa remains as BC crosses
Bb returns to Aa while Cc are at the other side
AB cross while ab wait
c returns with the boat to pick b and returns yet again to pick a
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