Sometimes, I get confused on how people get confuse. It is either they are blind or simply can't see. No, let me not complicate issues here, but it's all irony of life anyway.
Few weeks ago, I posted my little experience at a dry cleaner's shop on facebook. It was funny, and some people laughed it off. One of my friends said in his joking state that the guy was so busy to attend to his immediate needs. In other words, he cared more about the customers than himself, and cared less for who he is. But truly, I saw much sense in my concluded decision. When I walked into his shop to dry-clean my clothes, the first piece of clothing I saw was his dirty boxer which was almost covered by his sagging jean trouser hanging on his waist, I had to leave the shop like I missed my way.
My question now is, how can you dry-clean other people's clothes leaving yours dirty?
Is that not craziness?
Most people declare to be people they are not especially when their ego is at state. But one crazy thing is that majority of these are bigger than what they wish to be. The most deadly of them all is not believing in who you are.
When I say I'm a winner, it means I win. I win wars, battles, contests, challenges, competitions, etc. It means I don't fail, never! I may be down, yes, for a reason. Do you know what the reason is? to be launched!
A dancer dances.
A warrior wars.
A fighter fights.
A shooter shoots.
A conductor conducts.
A singer sings.
An actor acts.
We have millions of names culled out from what people or things do. So, don't call yourself a name you don't represent.
Permit me to take you down this lane: Funny enough, a dancer or any name culled out isn't called just because they do. Do you know why? Because anyone can do.
Let's take for instance, not everyone who dances is called a dancer. Not everyone who fights is called a fighter.
"Then what qualifies one to merit a name" becomes the next question, right?
Yea, I know it is.

How do you do what you do?
What is your uniqueness?
What do you have as an advantage?
Following the crowd is like being blind in the dark. Create your own style. Don't let anybody decide your style for you. It's your, possess it!
Please don't get me wrong here. You can study someone's style to create yours, that's where mentoring, teaching, following, etc come in.
So what do you do? Do you have any style at all? Come on, you need nothing more.
Nice piece.. 👍
Nice piece.. 👍
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