...I don't blame people who argue that life is unjust. But come to think of it, is life just? If it is, why would some pregnant women, after undergoing through the stress to bring forth a child, finally call it quit against her own wish in the labour room?
Why are some born poor and some rich?
Why does hard work refuse to produce success, now they say it's smart work does.
What about those that are born deformed, what's their crime?
Why do people say the richest place on earth is the grave yard but still believe that a living dog is better than a dead lion? What a contradiction! I'm just so confused!
When a man's deeds are bad, people condemn him, and some say he is proud. But when he tries to be good, the same people would take advantage of it, making his worth seems like a rose trembled on the ground.
Why will a trailer always lose his grip on the ground when it sees a crowd?Sometimes, I feel some events happen so fast beyond God's control. But my pastor tells me that God is always in control and that he never allows us to face temptations that are bigger than us. Do you want to tell me that those suffering orphans roaming about the streets begging are bigger than their predicaments?
What about those little girls who suffer from the psychological and mental torment of rape?
Those that were knocked down to death by stray bullets and over speeding vehicles?
Those consumed during bomb blasts, plane crash, and natural disasters, don't tell me that God wanted all those to happen. If he does, does he derive joy in seeing them happen?
They are just too many to ponder on and ask why they happen... But I just have to be grateful for the beautiful things happening to me and every living soul. I need not ask him questions here on earth, but when I get to see him face to face, I gat just one question for him; WHY? Just tell me...
Don't ask questions you wouldn't like the answers...
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