Thursday, August 31, 2017


I shut the gate behind me in a bid to engage in my "usual"evening stroll but got bagged by the hurried foot steps of members as they streamed into the Anglican Cathedral adjacent my house.

The evening service was just beginning(obviously) as echoes of the opening prayer resounded from the distance. This sound hastened the footsteps of the members further and I stood and looked on with apt admiration at the physical measure with which these members were taking just to make up for their lateness. What a devotion! I envied.

I was about to head on with my walk when I unintentionally overheard d conversation between two ladies who were almost running but laughing as they hurried on. One of the ladies teased,
"This bishop na him fit us, See as people dey run. I no know say no be only me wan avoid to pay that fine for late coming ooo..."
What?? Like seriously???? I muttered to myself. And to think I was admiring their devotion and "supposed  remorse" for their lateness. I grew cold.

Awoken to inner consciousness, I began pondering on our Painted Christianity as I walked. I thought about MYSELF, YOU and OTHER CHRISTIANS at large. What is our actual MOTIVATION in running this race? What influences our services, devotion, commitment, punctuality and regularity in our  walk with God. Are we after the recommendations, praises, observations, punishments or selfish benefits we stand to gain or suffer...

... OR...

...are we truly hungry to build a personal relationship with God. i just wish we could be BETTER CHRISTIANS  not having to live a life of hypocrisy and feign holiness just to gain merits from neighbours, friends, family, pastors and members...


We hide within the confines of Religion clouded with our biased laws, doctrines, motives, principles and interests yet proclaim CHRISTIANITY.
Let's stop deceiving ourselves dearies... GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED.
To still remain with the brethren, Most of us have become deceptive orators.
We study the Bible not for Edification nor Sanctification but for Biblical knowledge and quotes we can always brag with so other Christians would admire our scriptural knowledge and competence.
We are always quick to lift up our hands in praise, Tears would always flow down our cheeks and our Voices would always spread like Virus during Worship, speaking in tongues and prophecying in the name of the same God we slander through our hypocrisy.
We put on iniquity as an everyday garment that we comfortably lie, commit fornication and adultery, steal, gossip, blaspheme, keep malice, hold grudges, envy and hate, YET proclaim Christianity.
I wish we could be BETTER CHRISTIANS not having to rush to the alter with deception and selfishness.
I wish we could be BETTER CHRISTIANS not having to sing in the choir when all we want to do is show off Or get hitched.
I wish we could be BETTER CHRISTIANS not having to function as an usher just  to make fashion statements.
I wish we could be BETTER CHRISTIANS not having to counsel, teach, pray and function as a worker in Hypocrisy.


How do we define Christianity when we walk around in pretense lifting up our Filthy Fingers in Holy Greetings saying "God Bless u Dear" and our brethren would always see a God-fearing us not knowing we are sinful and camouflage innocence like a teddy bear...

CHRISTIANITY in this contemporary times SUCKS.
A Pastor cannot visit a female member (esp singles) without being trapped in d nest of immorality,
Members cannot pray/encourage fellow backsliding or tempted members without being judgmental,
Pastors cannot lead their sheep selflessly without exploiting them financially, Neighbours can no longer see a living Christ in our lifestyle,
Our conversations and cell meetings can't be void of Gossip, detrimental remarks, and slander against fellow brethren,
Opposition groups and parties are being formed in churches where power, wealth and class are  battled for,
Tithes and offerings are being squandered and fund raised for d church are being diverted for personal use,
"Thus says the Lord" has become a code language used in deceiving d lord's sheep,
Pastors clamor  for Titles, wealth, Luxury and connections more than they strive in winning more souls for God.

I just do wish we could be BETTER CHRISTIANS not having to look out for our brothers mistakes, flaws, shortcomings, downfall and weaknesses. I wish we could be BETTER CHRISTIANS so we don't have to clutch our Bibles under our armpits religiously.
I wish we could be BETTER CHRISTIANS not having to compliment each other with fake smiles meanwhile, the HATE in our heart stinks.
I wish we could be BETTER so our lives would reflect God's kind of Love, Spirit, tolerance, accommodation and lifestyle..

It would be penny wise, pound foolish to live a hypocritical life of Christianity here on earth and still miss our Reward. MOST OF US ARE GUILTY But there is still room for a TURN AROUND!!

Written by #Dinma#The Gifted....

( Coiled few lines from Iroh Okechukwu Livinus spoken words- "DEAD IN HEAVEN")


I was at the airport the other day and saw some white men with  their bags walking towards the terminal for their announced flig...