Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Call

The call
Knock, knock the reaper comes knocking,
Right there you have a split sec to think,
Has your journey been fruitful in this world?
Or has your essence been flushed down the sink?
Have you been able to deliver, that jot of greatness sprinkled on you?
Or has your soul been wayward and nonchalant to heavenly treasures and its fruit.

Did you spend your every day and night on making your crooked way straight and your sinful ways right?
Or increase your state in pathetic unrighteousness before the saviour’s sight.
Did you willingly submit to the torment of the devil against your faith?
Or rise above threat with songs and praise even at the face of death.

Can your soul boldly jump, shout and sing looking up to heaven saying “I’ve hope of a new day”
Or is your soul set and destined for eternal condemnation due to unfruitfulness in its way.
Will you shiver in shock as death draws near or rejoice in the lord and glory in his word, for I live both by his staff and is rod, for the fear of death will come,
But there is always faith in a new day.

So knowing the hour of death will surely come,
But fear of it will only conquer some not all
Since it’s only come to harm and scare,
Knock, knock  o look the reaper is here.

                                                                                                            #Wayne cares


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