Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Whenever I see a young MAN - say in his twenties - who is hooked on smoking, I am pained greatly. Not always necessarily because of the rightness or wrongness of the act, but because I imagine how many more years he may have to be enslaved to a deadly habit. How many more years before a likely lung cancer or heart disease? How many more years before an unfortunate smoker eventually DIES YOUNG?

I grew up in  the heart of Ajegunle, Lagos; that should count for something. I saw things. I know people, even classmates, who had mental issues -sometimes permanent ones- from smoking weed and all.
I'm now in UNTH, Enugu; that too should count for something. I've seen what smoking does to people. I've seen dying patients with lung cancer on the wards regret ever putting the first stick or wrap between their lips.
I've seen people with bright prospects, like Mike (name changed), a friend and talented music producer in Enugu, who had serious psychiatric issues and was in rehab the last time we spoke.
The sad things about smoking, like many other addictions, is that one might think he has control initially, but it slowly takes hold of one and erodes sound judgement.
There are numerous other problems, including social ones, associated with smoking.

I know many want to stop, but do not know how But there is hope, there are many who have overcome it, you too can. Just be sincere and seek help. Yes, reach out for help.
You can contact me if you want to begin the journey out. I don't have all the answers, but I know people who can help.
There is hope my friend.

Written by Mpamugo Chinedu


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