Saturday, December 15, 2018

Once upon a time when her back bone was love, when she was the unity amongst many.
When she was referred to as Christ-Like people, when her sole influence was God.
But all of a sudden, she started to loose her taste in the sight of men, forgetting her essence, through ignorance and greed in sought for divinity.
Where certain people change religion to mere onslaught of men’s faith, consciousness and virtue.

The fact that they are enslaved under the thoughts of others is mind bubbling, to be forced all in the name of spiritual calling to believe what they don’t understand, and being threatened by the fear of being crucified if found in opposition.
Where her name has being used as a “get rich scheme”, where the salvation of men are now offered by the set of so called “preachers”, where by its been sold and backed up by empty promises, what a disgust to the Lord’s holy name
Where faith is all they can hold steadfast to, believing totally what they know nothing about, due to fear.

Because it's just a silver line that differs Ignorance from religion.
Faith is the substance of things hoped, for Evidence of things not seen, And that’s the kind of anxiety we should fill our soul with. Other than being subdued by so called chosen ones bent on rocketing the fame of their ministry .

Christianity is the name of the religion and its true meanings are not seen in the lives of its believers.
So, the picturing of the future of Christianity to be one body of people serving one God truly. It's so blur.
Though there are few true ones out there
So unfortunate that such beautiful word is just and umbrella for an Irony.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Just a castaway
An island lost at sea
Another lonely day
With no one here but me
More loneliness
Than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair

A year has passed since I wrote my note
But I should have known this right from the start
Only hope can keep me together
Love can mend your life
But love can break your heart

Walked out this morning
Don't believe what I saw
A hundred billion bottles
Washed up on the shore
Seems I'm not alone at being alone
A hundred billion castaways
Looking for a home

He walks along this lonely street
no one to dry his tears
massage his tired feet
or calm ever present fears
Seeing life through tainted heart
making everything gray
Alone, his life, anew to start
Always searching for a way

But life goes on no matter what
That fact she cannot quell
Memories ne'er to be forgot
Within her heart they dwell
So she keeps walking this lonely street
Keeps searching to find her way
Every night she lies down to sleep
And prays tomorrow's a better day

I must admit that I have often thought
of leaving it all behind and letting everything go
I was lost and alone, as I always am,
So many people around me,
Yet no one seems to care.
They say they understand and love me very much,
But just when I Trust to love, they forget and move on.

I held the knife so close
as tears, mixed with blood,
Began to fall slowly.
Like a foolish child I cried.
Knowing that I could end it all now
made my mind draw a blank.
I put the knife away and tried to wipe the blood,
that ran faster than I can describe.

I knew suicide wasn't the answer I was looking for.
I knew there was a reason for me being alone.
So many bad things happening at once -
They can make you forget
About the good qualities of life.

Even though life is hard,
and trouble, an inevitable part of it,
If you decide to leave it all behind,
maybe you will,
but I can guarantee that others will.


I was at the airport the other day and saw some white men with  their bags walking towards the terminal for their announced flig...